lørdag 25. februar 2012

This anime is realy awesom and amazing...Clannad(first season), then Clannad after story!!!

Here is a cute picture of Okazaki and his family <3 <3 <3

Hey guys. Sorry for not publising for so long, i moved so i didnt not have internet in the house. They are
gonna make the internet in tursday, am using my friends internet now. So for now i have news for you.
Starting for yesterday...i think, Coca-cola and Hitsune Miku will work together to make a Hitsune Miku
Coca-Cola oufit !!! It will be Awesom <3


torsdag 16. februar 2012

Happy Valentine Day My friends, I wanted to share the Valentine day with you <3

Enjoy your day!!! And remmeber to tell who you care about that you Love Him/Her

lørdag 11. februar 2012

onsdag 8. februar 2012

You know wath?

Double episodes of Naruto shippuden Tommorow !!


A friend asked me to give a pictures of Saito and Louise!!!

Well ther they are ;) <3

Hei !!!

Ther is a picture of Takashi and Rei <3

tirsdag 7. februar 2012

Hey !!!
 Here is a picture of The new series of Dragon Ball z , the name is Dragon Ball Hoshi.
(for me Dragon ball is one of the best anime ever <3 )